What are the perfect continuous tenses?
- Present perfect continuous
- Past perfect continuous
- Future perfect continuous
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
نستخدم هذا الزمن للتعبير عن حدث بدأ في الماضي و ما زال مستمرًا حتى هذه اللحظة
I have eaten a sandwich
l’m eating a sandwich
I’ve been eating a sandwich since 3:00 / I’ve been eating a sandwich for 30 minutes.
- I’ve been watching TV for two hours.
I started watching TV two hours ago and I’m still watching TV.
- I’ve been working for this company since 2015
I started working in this company in 2015 and I’m still working in this company.
- How long have you been working in this company?
Have / has + been + (v.ing)
For & Since
For :
يأتي بعدها مدة زمنية
- For two hours.
- For four weeks.
- For a year.
Since :
يأتي بعدها بداية المدة الزمنية
- Since 2015
- Since last week.
- Since last year.
- Since last Monday.
The Past Perfect Continuous Tense
نستخدم هذا الزمن للتعبير الحدث الأقدم بين حدثين في الماضي بدأ و ظل مستمرًا حتى حدوث الحدث الذي يليه في الماضي
The police started searching for the criminal 2 years ago and finally found him.
The police had been searching for the criminal before they caught him.
- I had been reading for three hours before my brother came.
- How long had you been reading before your brother came?
Had + been + (v.ing)
The Future Perfect Continuous Tense
نستخدم هذا الزمن للتعبير عن حدث سيقع في المستقبل حتى وقوع حدث آخر
Ahmad will go to bed at 10:00
His brother will get home at midnight.
At midnight Ahmad will be sleeping.
By the time Ahmad’s brother gets home, Ahmad will have been sleeping for two hours.
Will have been + (v.ing)
[…] الجزء الثاني مع الدكتورة سندس عبد الحليم، تحدثنا في الدرس السابق عن الأزمنة التامة المستمرة و في هذا الدرس نتحدث عن […]