First step to write a paragraph is Brainstorming. العصف الذهني
Here you write any related word that comes on your mind.
For example:
If you’re going to write about apples, you may think about these words ( eat apples – eat them – different colors – grow on trees – an apple pie)
The second step is to stretch these words into sentences.
Eat apples >> I can eat an apple.
Different colors >> Apples have /come in different colors.
Grow on trees >> Apples grow on trees.
Apple pie >> I ate an apple pie.
Remember: sentence = subject + verb + full meaning
The third step is the outlining ( to rearrange sentences correctly)
- Apples grow on trees.
- Apples come in different colors.
- I can eat an apple.
- I ate an apple pie.
The fourth step is the organization of the paragraph
1- Indentation >> leave a space at the first line of the paragraph.
2- Capitalization >> Each sentence has to start with an uppercase letter.
3- Put a suitable punctuation mark at the end of the sentence. (.) (!) (?)
4- Think of a paragraph as if it were a present.
- The box = Topic sentence.
- The present = The body of the paragraph / supporting sentences.
- The ribbon = Conclusion / closing sentence.
** You have to write in one tense.
** Use some adjectives.
** The shortest paragraph must contain 3 sentences at least.
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